Yoga Adjacent | Old Notes, Open Heart

Handwriting that reads "Open within yourself and the whole world will suddenly feel more alive. A connection forming between body, mind, spirit."

I recently came across one of my old yoga teacher notebooks where I would keep all of my class plans and sequences. By the looks of one planning session, I really lost myself in a flow. What follows is a lightly edited version of my teacher notes circa 2013:

Yoga means to unite. So, here we are beginning to foster a connection with ourselves. Not so much changing ourselves but deconstructing and connecting the dots of your body, mind, and spirit.

Showing up displays an open mind and heart. Whatever the intention, you are here. The first yoga class can feel clumsy and vulnerable. But find comfort in this: You are part of a community where we all have worries, fears, and a buffet of emotions.

Let’s begin:

Open and move the front of your shoulders back. Feel expansion across your chest and the sternum (center of collar bone) rise toward your chin. Bow your head slightly but keep your neck long.

Invite awareness to the natural pause that sits between the inhale and exhale. No manipulation or judgment. Just notice.

Notice the sounds, smells, and sights. Let them go with the moment. Notice. Let go. Bring attention to this moment. Right here, right now. Continue.

Feel the space around your heart and the freedom this brings. Think about a performer, like Liberaci perhaps, with their arms wide open. Inviting in life.

And that is the essence of yoga. Creating opening, not only in the muscles. Yoga invites us to take a good look at ourselves. Not how we look or how far we can bend, But seeking an open heart and open mind. A practice you can take off your mat and into the world.

Open up to yourself and the whole world will suddenly feel more alive. That is the feeling of connection forming between your body, mind, and spirit.

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